๋ ๋ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳLifes enjoyҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ๋: April 2009 Floating Window

Thursday, April 9, 2009

mGINGER hacking: Double your earning per 12hr

A new trick has been discovered for double earning for fresh account.
A new mobile number(Not registered in mginger)
IP changer
Email id

How it works

Go to mginger. Select Page source from View. Find this java code . Add this code at the end of the code.
Before the end of body tag remove the , And add these code at the middle of editor i.e, at the end of . Copy and save as html file.

I already moded that page. Click Here
Then go to Signup page.

Create your account with valid mobile number.

After few days check your earnings statement. For each Ad, you are getting double money.
This is alternating the server process and mirror the code.

Check the top earners list. This is the way they earned that much.